Wednesday, April 28, 2021

what is computer science engineering

In the case of the UG program, students had to pass the advanced exam at CBSE or other equivalent board with basic physics and math subjects. The selection is made from the calculation of the sum attributes that should correspond to the cut criteria. In some cases, national entrance exams are conducted to select the best students who can enroll in this course.

what is computer science engineering

In case of admission to a university

Applicants must have a BTech degree from a recognized university and the percentage must meet the requirements. In addition, there are tests such as GATE that are done to determine eligible students who can enroll in the MTech course.

Monday, April 26, 2021

computer science vs computer engineering

For those who love problem solving and understanding new technologies, computer science can be the right career path for you. And the good news is that this industry is booming. IT jobs are, in fact, the best source of new wages in America.

computer science vs computer engineering

In addition, there is a high demand for qualified IT professionals. The Office for Labor Statistics estimates that by 2020, 1.4 million computer-related jobs and only 400,000 computer graduates with the skills to apply for these jobs will be available.


Most of these jobs require skills and knowledge acquired through an advanced degree in computer science or computer engineering. However, if you are just starting your career, deciding whether to pursue computer science or computer engineering can be challenging.


You will learn more about the similarities and differences between the two disciplines, including the skills you will need, career options and how to determine which one is right for you.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Is computer science necessary for software engineering?

Software engineering is a process of researching what a user needs and then designing, building and testing software software that fits the requirements.

is computer science necessary for software engineering

It is about creating new software that will be used in the real world. You will be asked to work with your team to create a new app that is useful to your end users.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

wireless indoor survey

The advancement of technology and the growing importance of ubiquitous calculations and data-aware content have made the industry more satisfied with applications and services. Today, most requirements for use are to locate or track the actual interior equipment; so the demand for indoor space has become more important in some stores. In addition, home office equipment is not as good as international equipment in environmental environments, such as homes. In light of this, however, this article is intended to provide the reader with an overview of recent changes in the deployment of wireless technology and technology to better understand them. state-of-the-art technology and encourage new research in this area. The. To this end, the current wireless space and address measurement plans are identified, where we also compare applications and performance with future performance and design.

wireless indoor survey

Thursday, April 8, 2021

It site survey form

When thinking about how to write a summary of the survey results, remember that the reader needs to consider the introduction.


Focusing on key facts will help you to do just that.

it site survey form

Therefore, it is usually best to write the introduction of the survey at the end when the rest of the survey report has been compiled. That way you know what you're bringing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

site survey steps

To make the best use of your wireless network, you should ensure that your access points (APs) are in the best possible environment and that other senders that can cause disruptions are kept to a minimum. This requires that you periodically search your mobile site.

site survey steps

Depending on the size of your application, there are various tools available for the job, such as software that guides you through the site testing process. But no matter how large your network is, you will need to follow these basic steps:

Thursday, April 1, 2021

wireless network site survey tools free

There is a company-level software for scanning Wi-Fi networks, but even for large wireless networks, the free wireless software makes it easy to quickly monitor the airwaves when making, sending, or solving.

wireless network site survey tools free

Eight free tools that provide basic information about your nearest Wi-Fi source - some Windows and some Mac OS X: SSID, Power Symbols, channels, Mac Address and security status.

computer network support specialists salary

Most employers require experienced technicians to know a wide range of network types and providers. Advanced careers may require formal educ...