Sunday, September 6, 2020

entry level aws solutions architect salary


Some of the largest companies in the world, such as General Electric, SPLUNK, Samsung, Unilever, Netflix, Kellog's, ESPN, Twitter, among others, use AWS for the purposes mentioned above. Midsize companies in industries such as media, medicine, technology, retail and manufacturing are also leveraging AWS's capabilities. They use AWS to host their services, to manage big data, and to predict user behavior.

entry level aws solutions architect salary

AWS offers 165 services, far more than any other cloud services platform. Each service has more granular functionality, enabling faster, easier, and more affordable application creation and active migration. For example, Kubernetes, Farage, and AWS ECS provide several ways to run containers. Another example is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Amazon EC2 offers a wide variety of "instance types" to suit different use cases and balance memory, cost savings, and fast workload management.

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